02.28.23 — Nemesis Network Weekly Report #14

Nemesis Network
4 min readFeb 28, 2023


Welcome to Nemesis Network

We are proud to announce that we’ve successfully launched Nemesis PRO. The roadmap is set and we’re doing steady work to accomplish our goals for the Nemesis community. Helena has been known to have a fairly active content side, therefore, along with the implementation process of Helena & Nemesis, we’re also uniting the Nemesis Network in one front regarding the content side to combine the powers of both projects. These new weeklies will include news about Nemesis PRO and Helena Financial respectively. Without further ado, let’s delve into what has happened this week and until now.

This Week’s Recap & Reminders

Nemesis Side

  • The current price of NMSP is at $6.55 while the mCap is around $2.3M and the
    Liquidity was at $1.9M at the time of writing this article.
  • wsNMSP price is at $440
  • Nemesis’ Whitepaper is Updated and Renovated, Migration is happening!
  • First Steps Toward Helena & Nemesis Integration
  • Nemesis PRO has been launched, many new features are on their way. Check the roadmap!
  • Content update regarding Nemesis PRO

Helena Side

  • Helena Contests are finished!
  • Nemesis Network Integration Milestone is at 58%
  • The current price of Helena is at $0.05 while the mCap is around $434K and the Liquidity was at $398K at the time of writing this article.
  • WINGS price is at $1.50


Renovation on Whitepaper Side & Migration

As migration is currently underway due to the renaissance on Nemesis, we highly encourage you to migrate your old NMS tokens to NMSP tokens. Our Whitepaper provides detailed information about this process. Whether you are already familiar with the Nemesis PRO update and migration or this is your first time hearing about it, we recommend taking a look at the Whitepaper HERE to better inform yourself. Additionally, if you encounter any difficulties during the migration process, you can contact us through Support Ticket or Discord & Telegram.

A Unified Front: Helena & Nemesis: Nemesis Network

We’re thrilled to share that Nemesis Network is integrating two of our highly regarded projects within the NMS ecosystem. Our aim is to bring together the separate and distinct audiences of both projects to create a unified entity, promoting shared interests and expanding the ecosystem’s reach. By merging the projects, we can bolster each other’s financial strategies and treasuries, creating a closer alliance that will enable them to grow and thrive in tandem toward a common objective.

Nemesis PRO Roadmap

Everything is set and in order. The features and utilities will be released gradually each week as stated above.

News Regarding Content Side (Nemesis PRO)

We want to keep you informed and up-to-date on the latest developments regarding the PRO update, Integration, and new feature tutorials. To that end, we have a series of articles in the works that will delve into these topics in-depth, providing you with all the information you need to stay in the know.


Integration & Reward Pool

Since its launch last week, the cumulative global pool power of the reward pool has reached an impressive total of 146k. The achievement of this reward pool milestone marks a significant global accomplishment. The reward pool milestone will be the last global achievement for now and we plan to unlock new features in conjunction with the ongoing integration progress.

Helena Contests

The two-week-long contests and buy reimbursements have now come to a close. Despite this, we have thoroughly enjoyed conducting these contests. The rewards for the contest have been disbursed to the winning wallets and the reimbursements for buy taxes have been issued.

Quiz winnings: 255 BUSD worth of WINGS divided amongst the winners.

Dice winnings: 320 BUSD worth of WINGS divided amongst the winners.

Arena winnings: 4000 BUSD worth of WINGS divided amongst the winners.

As we wrap up another week, we wish to express our sincere appreciation for your unwavering support. Our team remains committed to delivering the most cutting-edge features in DeFi, and we highly value your constructive feedback and recommendations. We encourage you to reach out to us through our dedicated communication channels on Discord and Telegram. We eagerly anticipate sharing further engaging and informative updates with you in the near future.

Social Links

Discord (Helena): https://discord.com/invite/ht2N3vrdv9

Discord (Nemesis PRO): https://discord.gg/b8CUaukZn6

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HelenaFinancial/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/helenafinancial

Medium: https://nemesisnetwork.medium.com/

Telegram (Helena): https://t.me/helenafinancial

Telegram (Nemesis PRO): https://t.me/nemesisdao

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/helenafinancial



Nemesis Network

Nemesis Network includes Nemesis PRO and Helena Financial, created by the Nemesis Team. Together, they support each other's success & represent a unified front.