12.23.22 — On Profit Sharing Pool | Dev Diaries #5
Hello everyone, It has been quite some time since the last dev diary, the longest period ever in between. And that’s because we were busy with the Profit Sharing Pool, and only wanted to update you when we’re almost there. And guess what, we’re almost there.
The contracts and the page are both done, and the team as well as some of our old holders are testing it inside out while you’re reading this. So there’s no doubt it’ll be ready soon enough and will be unlocked as soon as we hit 100% (a bit more than a quarter to go now).
A little heads up before we dig in deep, and it’s mostly about the wording. We scratched out “Staking” action and replaced it with “Buy Energy”. This is both because there’s no “Unstaking”, and the whole logic fits better.
Now about the functionality. Basically, there are two actions: Buy Energy and Claim. You’ll be able to Buy Energy by burning your NMS LP tokens. Following Buy, you are ready to Claim your BUSD profits depending on your Energy share in the pool. As explained various times before, we have this ‘Decay’ mechanism for making it fairer for newcomers. As the name implies, Decay is the only thing that decreases your Energy. We are trying something new and unique altogether with this, so please bear with us. Decay is triggered prior to both Buy and Claim actions, regardless of your Buy or Claim amount at that point. It solely depends on your Energy pre-Buy, and how much time it has been since the last Decay, obviously.
We have a complex yet stable contract, the biggest complexities being reward calculations and Decay. Also, when you Buy Energy for the second time, your rewards so far will be claimed automatically. That means we won’t be dealing with that multi-buy issue we had in the multiplier.
Regarding the app page, we are trying to form a certain standard for those somewhat more complicated, multi-action pages. So you’ll find something similar to the multiplier page, but of course simpler.
That’s all I wanted to tell you in this diary. We look forward to unlocking the Profit Sharing Pool, the first crossover in the Nemesis Network. So don’t be surprised when you see this exact page on Nemesis PRO.
Happy holidays, and until next time.
Arthur Blair
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